Generosity Matters – Spring 2019

Celebrating 40 Years of Ministry 2019 marks a significant milestone for the Foundation as we enter into our 40th year of ministry with the Alabama-West Florida Conference. We welcome you to join us in celebrating this milestone anniversary! Continue Reading Game Changing Generosity Conference-Wide Events Learn simple strategies you can put into place RIGHT NOW to foster a […]

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Mother’s Day 2019

Mother’s Day is a great reminder and celebration of the wonderful women in our lives. Their continual love, support, and generosity do not go unnoticed. This Mother’s Day we encourage you and your church to consider giving to or creating a planned gift in memory of, or honor of, these special women. A mother’s love […]

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Generosity Matters – Winter 2019

Hope in the Midst of the Storm In October 2018, the unthinkable happened as hurricane Michael spread devastation and destruction across the AWF Conference and the Florida Panhandle. In these last few months, hope has remained strong, and we have seen the amazing efforts…Continue Reading Is a Donor Advised Fund Right for You? A donor […]

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Hope in the Midst of the Storm

“But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 In October 2018, the unthinkable happened as hurricane Michael spread devastation and destruction across the AWF Conference and the Florida Panhandle. […]

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Game Changing Generosity – 2019 Webinar

Game Changing Generosity is a FREE event! Learn simple strategies you can put into place RIGHT NOW to foster a generous culture in your church. Embrace Your “Home Field” Advantage – Churches have a “home field” advantage, and many aren’t aware that it exists. In this webinar, learn how to make the most of your church’s […]

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Is a Donor Advised Fund Right for You?

A donor advised fund (DAF) is a great way to manage all your charitable giving in one place, practice generosity, and teach younger generations the importance of philanthropy by involving them in distribution recommendations to charities. A donor advised fund has several advantages including minimal start-up time and costs, donations that are generally deductible at […]

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Generosity Matters – Fall 2018

A Culture of Generosity Jerry and Patsy Parker, members at Auburn UMC, are using the accumulated resources that God has blessed them with to be a blessing to others. Continue Reading Charitable IRA Rollover Gifts An IRA gift through a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) is a good gift to consider for your church or a charity. Continue […]

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Making Donations of Stocks and Bonds

Donating stocks and bonds (often known as appreciated securities) to your church or United Methodist ministry is easy to do and can provide attractive tax benefits. Whether you plan to itemize your charitable contributions, because they exceed the standard deduction, or simply use the standard deduction, the Foundation is perfectly positioned to assist with the […]

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A Culture of Generosity

“Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.” Luke 6:38 (NLT) New tax laws may limit some charitable donations, but these new rules are […]

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Charitable IRA Rollover Gifts

Planning your estate requires thoughtful consideration of your beneficiaries, knowledge of your options, and an understanding of taxation. If you plan on giving to both your family and charity, knowing what gifts will make the biggest impact for each recipient can be a great asset. Good gifts to consider for family and children are stocks, […]

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