Are you on the map?

The AWF Conference District Map features blue and red dots for churches and agencies in the Conference who are utilizing the services and resources of the Alabama-West Florida United Methodist Foundation and Development Fund. The Foundation If your church or agency has funds managed through the Foundation, including endowments and planned gifts, you will find yourself […]

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Father’s Day Resource

“Whoever fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge.” Proverbs 14:26 Dads and Father Figures in our lives are irreplaceable. Their strength and spiritual guidance are like a lighthouse. Think about making a planned gift in his honor this Father’s Day. These gifts leave a legacy of generosity […]

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Time to Renovate?

The capital requirements of churches vary greatly depending on their needs. The AWF Development Fund makes loans to churches and agencies in the AWF Conference for new church construction, purchasing property, and major renovation projects. These loans help churches keep their interest rates low and continue ministry. Jackson First United Methodist Church is currently undergoing […]

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Together in Ministry and Marriage

“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up the other; but woe to one who is alone and falls and does not have another to help” Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NRSV). Unlike most couples, Bradley and Tara Chamblee have the unique experience of […]

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Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is a great reminder and celebration of the wonderful women in our lives. Their continual love, support, and generosity do not go unnoticed. This Mother’s Day we encourage you and your church to consider giving to or creating an endowment in the name of your mother. A mother’s love lasts a lifetime. An […]

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Winning the Gold

The Alabama – West Florida United Methodist Foundation website received a Gold ADDY from the American Advertising Federation for great website design. This is a high honor in design and advertising, and we are pleased to have a beautiful website that can easily provide information on our services to churches and individuals. Be sure to […]

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Scholarships and Promotional Resources

Did you know we offer ministerial scholarships for seminary students as well as some lay scholarships? Be sure to let seminary students in your congregation know about this opportunity and have them fill out our application (see link below) before June 30 to see if they qualify. We have also included free resources (see link […]

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Easter and Holy Week

Easter is a time of celebration as we remember the eternal gift God gave to us with Jesus Christ’s selfless sacrifice on the cross. This Easter season we encourage you to think about what you are doing in the lives of others to build God’s Kingdom. One way to do this is by creating an […]

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Unconditional Love

This Valentine’s Day we are choosing to focus on agape (unconditional) love. Strong’s Concordance defines agape, a Greek word, as “love, benevolence, good will, charity, and esteem.” God has unconditional love for his people; his love is so selfless that he “did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in […]

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The United Methodist Foundation’s Story

Learn How We Can Help Our story begins with two branches of services to assist you. The Alabama – West Florida United Methodist Foundation partners with churches in the United Methodist Conference by training, providing resources, and guiding churches through our Christian financial planning and investment services. The Development Fund offers deposit options for donors […]

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