Generosity Matters | Summer/Fall 2023 Newsletter and 2021 Annual Report

New Executive Assistant Joins the United Methodist Foundation Staff

On August 21st, Alicia Weed joined the Foundation staff. She serves as our new Executive Assistant at the Foundation and works closely with the Development Fund. Alicia received her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Troy University Dothan and has over 10 years of experience in office management, human resources, and non-profit work…Continue Reading

Foundation Administers Scholarship Funds for Churches

When you partner with the Foundation to manage scholarship funds, we offer services to receive, manage, and select applicants who meet your church or organization’s guidelines and requirements and disburse these scholarship funds to applicants…Continue Reading

2022 Annual Report

The Foundation has continued to grow the number of our relationships with churches and donors and, as a result, has grown funds that support hundreds of ministries. In 2022, our Foundation was entrusted with $113,385,233.92 million and disbursed millions back into ministry, missions, buildings, education, and more…Continue Reading

  • Assets Held by the Foundation: The Foundation meets the needs of churches, donors, and organizations by investing and managing funds that support both current and future ministry.
  • Contributions and Earnings: Funds managed by the Foundation that are growing and earning investment income to further the future ministry of the church.
  • Funds Disbursed: Funds that have been disbursed back into ministries and churches for continued ministry and outreach.

A Great Time to Consider a Charitable Gift Annuity

Return rates for charitable gift annuities (CGA) increased in 2023, and again in 2024, making it a great time to consider setting up a CGA and locking in these new rates! A CGA benefits you now and your church or favorite ministry later…Continue Reading

Fall 2023 Foundation Board Meets at Blue Lake Camp

We are thankful for the Foundation Board of Directors, District Superintendents, staff, and our professional investors and advisors for their invaluable leadership, insight, and skills that help lead our Foundation forward in this ministry of generosity.

We are so blessed to have a great group of individuals with vast and diverse expertise and knowledge ranging from investing, banking, and insurance to marketing, pastoral, and church leadership roles…Continue Reading

Upcoming Game Changing Leadership Webinars

Game Changing Leadership events focus on a variety of financial topics and needs within the church including, but not limited to, fostering a generous culture, developing financial leadership skills, developing and implementing planned giving/legacy giving, and improving personal and church financial health. Each event covers relevant topics and includes practical tips and tools that church leaders can easily put into place right away to start seeing an impact…Continue Reading

Digital Newsletter

View and download the Summer/Fall 2023 Generosity Matters Newsletter and 2022 Annual Report.