Upcoming Game Changing Leadership Webinars • Summer 2023

Game Changing Leadership events focus on a variety of financial topics and needs within the church including, but not limited to, fostering a generous culture, developing financial leadership skills, developing and implementing planned giving/legacy giving, and improving personal and church financial health. Each event covers relevant topics and includes practical tips and tools that church leaders can easily put into place right away to start seeing an impact.

Summer 2023 Events

Giving Analytics: What’s Our New Reality? • July 25, 2023

Regardless of whether you love numbers, understanding them can help lead to better pastoral care for the people in your congregation. In this webinar, Chris will walk us through some key metrics that can help pastors and church leaders better shepherd and care for the people of their church.

  • When is the workshop? Tuesday, July 25th, 2023, at 11:00 am CT on Zoom
  • What is the cost? This workshop is 100% FREE
  • Can I earn CEU credit? Yes! You can earn .1 CEU credit by attending this event.
  • How long is the workshop? The workshop lasts for one hour
  • Who are the speakers? Chris Stovall, CFRE & Generis Senior Generosity Strategist; Terri Turner, Foundation Executive Director

Game Changing Leadership Event Registration with The Methodist Foundation

If you have any issues registering for this event, please email [email protected].

Sustaining Church Ministries • August 15, 2023

The Bible has a lot to say about generosity and discipleship. How we talk about giving in the church is important, because too often the narrative around stewardship lacks inspiration and revolves mainly around meeting the church budget instead of the ministry and mission God has for your church.

In this webinar Chris is going to walk us through a full array of the different campaign models he uses with churches to help sustain the ministries of their church while growing their culture of generosity.

  • When is the workshop? Tuessday, August 15th, 2023, at 11:00 am CT on Zoom
  • What is the cost? This workshop is 100% FREE
  • Can I earn CEU credit? Yes! You can earn .1 CEU credit by attending this event.
  • How long is the workshop? The workshop lasts for one hour
  • Who are the speakers? Chris Stovall, CFRE & Generis Senior Generosity Strategist; Terri Turner, Foundation Executive Director

Game Changing Leadership Event Registration with The Methodist Foundation

If you have any issues registering for this event, please email [email protected].


The Church Audit: It’s Easier Than You Think! • June 26, 2023 (this event has ended)

Every congregation needs to do an annual church audit, but it doesn’t have to be a big expense or an insurmountable obstacle. There is a great Local Church Audit Guide, prepared by the General Council on Finance & Administration (GCFA) of The United Methodist Church, that will take you through the church audit step by step and includes an additional section that answers frequently asked questions (FAQ). Going through the process builds confidence among your financial leaders,  projects transparency to your donors, and builds trust. Join us as we explore the tools that can make this easier than you thought.

This event has ended. If you would like to request more information about upcoming events or to see if an event replay is available, click here or email Andrea at [email protected]. To view upcoming events, click here.