Before stepping down from his position as a Director of the Development Fund Board, Steve McCarroll attended the June 21, 2017, board meeting. This meeting marks 28 years of his continued service and dedication to the Development Fund. McCarroll has served on the Development Fund Board since 1989, only two years after its inception on May 1, 1987.
McCarroll has always been committed, and as Terri Turner, Executive Director, said: “he has constantly supported our work and shared his vast experience.” The rest of the Directors echoed similar memories and sentiments of gratitude including Henry Hooks, President. As a parting gift, and a memorial to his time on the Development Fund Board, McCarroll was presented with a personalized plaque noting his many years of service.
We owe a debt of gratitude to McCarroll and the other members of the Board of Directors who have served over the years to help form and make the Development Fund into what it is today. The Development Fund began with only $368,555, and by the time McCarroll joined the Board that amount had grown to $630,000. Today the Development Fund has partnered with United Methodist individuals, churches, and agencies and holds funds totaling around $11 million in deposits. Since its founding, the mission and ministry of the Development Fund has remained the same; to build His Kingdom by offering affordable loans for property purchases, building and expansion, and major renovation projects to churches and agencies in the AWF Conference. To date the Development Fund has fueled the growth, expansion and renovation needs of the AWF Conference, loaning more than $18 million to churches and agencies. Because of the generosity of the United Methodists who invest in our Development Fund, our Conference can continue to grow and serve our communities.
Loans for Churches
Invest as a Church
Invest as an Individual
Contact us for more information about loans and investing in the Development Fund.