Are You on the Map?

The AWF Conference district map features blue and red dots for churches and agencies in the Conference who are utilizing the services and resources of the Alabama-West Florida United Methodist Foundation and AWF Development Fund.  

The Foundation

Churches and agencies with managed funds through the Foundation, including planned giving/endowment programs, are identified by the red dots on the map.

The goal of the Foundation is to provide financial services that encourage good stewardship of resources and to assist AWF Conference churches and agencies with the ever growing needs of ministry. We offer professional services to set up, facilitate, and manage planned giving/endowment programs in the church.

Schedule a workshop or meeting with a staff member on the importance of planned giving and how you can plan for the future of your church by emailing or learn more about endowment/planned giving programs.

The AWF Development Fund

Churches and agencies with either a loan from or a deposit account with the AWF Development Fund are identified by the blue dots on the map.

Deposit Accounts

United Methodist and historically Wesleyan individuals, churches, and agencies can deposit funds into savings through the AWF Development Fund and earn interest while helping AWF Conference churches and agencies get needed loans at affordable rates of interest. This is a great way to invest in the future of the church without making a donation. Learn more about deposit accounts.


Loans are up to $1 million*, have affordable interest rates, and are used for purchasing property, refinancing large loans, building expansion, and major renovation projects. Learn more about loans.

*For loans larger than $1 million, contact us! The Foundation has the ability to negotiate with other sources for larger loans.