How to Give

“They are to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share, thus storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of the life that really is life” — 1 Timothy 6:18-19

For Individuals

When you choose to invest with the Foundation, you are making a gift that is going to last. We help individuals to:

  • Earn above-market interest on their investments in the Development Fund
  • Make a planned gift to a church or church-related agency

Ways to give


For Churches

Funds placed with the Foundation are professionally managed to meet the needs of the church. The Foundation’s Investment Committee applies prudent investment guidelines and social screening of investments. The Committee also continually reviews and monitors investments to insure stable and long term growth. Investors can choose a strategy that meets their financial interest and stewardship goals through investment in one or more of the Foundation’s Common Funds. A brief description of each of the three Common Funds is below.

  • Growth Fund: The objective of this fund is long-term appreciation with minimal emphasis on income. This Fund is invested in equities and equity alternatives listed on any of the national stock exchanges and in cash equivalents. The managers determine the asset mix.
  • Income Fund: The objective of this fund is to produce maximum income with a high regard for safety. This fund is invested in U.S. Government and Agency bonds, AAA rated mortgage backed securities, and corporate bonds rated “A” or higher.
  • Balanced Fund: The objective of this fund is reasonable long-term growth as well as current income. This fund is invested in a combination of approved equities and bonds with the current allocation at 70% equities and 30% bonds and money markets.

While past performance is no guarantee of future results, the Foundation provides an attractive investment for furthering stewardship goals and ministries across the conference.

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