NOW HIRING: Director of Development (click here to learn more)


The Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit agengy managing over $132 million in donor gifts and deposits within the Alabama-West Florida area. 

*As of January 1, 2024, the AWF Development Fund loan rate is 5%, and the deposit rate is 1.75%

The Alabama-West Florida United Methodist Foundation believes there is no more significant investment than that planted for the next generation.

In Psalm 78:3-4, Asaph said to his people,

“What we have heard and known, what our fathers have told us. We will not hide them from our children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done.”

As recipients of a rich heritage today, we have a sacred responsibility to pass on that same legacy to future generations.

Since 1979, the UM Foundation has joined hands with individuals and churches to grow God’s kingdom through the work of the church. Just as the dogwood tree represents the everlasting life that Christians receive when they believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, the gifts given through the Methodist Foundation are in perpetuity and life-changing.

Our mission is to encourage generosity as a way of life, foster planned giving, develop successful endowment programs, and manage funds in order to strengthen the work of Christ’s church. Our Development Fund also supports church growth by providing loan services for building, renovating, or purchasing property.

To continue being a ministry of generosity, we want to join hands with you to grow God’s kingdom so the next generation of ministry can thrive.

Generosity begets generosity. Let us give now so that the future church may flourish.



Our goal is to provide financial tools and other services that strengthen the ability of our churches and institutions to advance Christian ministries. The Foundation has developed services that are unique to the challenges and opportunities within the Church.

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How we distribute our estate speaks volumes about our values and our concerns for our loved ones. How we plan our final distribution of life’s accumulation is one of the most important acts of stewardship. Everyone should have a written plan.

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The Alabama-West Florida United Methodist Development Fund, Inc. is the official Conference loan and deposit portfolio. First mortgage loans are made available to United Methodist churches and institutions for construction and major capital improvement projects.

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